Let me also help to address couple things:.

18 Mar 2023, 12:18
Let me also help to address couple things: 1. it was already explained once what are our addresses and liquidity pools we use, it is all public and verifiable on Etherscan (and you are welcome to verify it on your own) 2. it was pump and dump protection during TGE that we used to filter out bots and people buying token before official announcement (liquidity multisig is part of our official addresses available for public verification) 3. liquidity was resupplied on regular basis over last weeks via Uni V3 concentrated liquidity to support given price ranges 4. we expected that 25% of all private sale tokens released after 1 month might cause havoc on LP 5. we attempted to prepare as best liquidity layers for some predicted traffic from VCs that might wanted to liquidate 6. yes, they sold much more than we anticipated, causing depletion of majority of currently supplied ETH liqudity (truth is that without price concentration dump could be much more severe - like during TGE day) 7. we still have supplied liquidity, but price diving to bottom escaped our concentrated price ranges 8. we still have strong budget of ETH that we anticipate to resupply and rebuild stability of Liquidity Pool 9. we might eventually reconfigure pool to include 100% of ETH in treasury, but that would be advised after gaining some stability of holders (ridding out of people strictly interested in dumping)